CCS' Future Educators

The Future Educators is a recruitment initiative aimed at cultivating Cumberland County Schools’ internal student talent. Future Educator candidates are current high school seniors who plan to pursue careers in education and who commit to teaching with Cumberland County Schools for a minimum of three years upon completion of their teacher preparation programs.
●Must be a CCS high school senior
●Gain admittance to a college or university with a N.C. accredited Educator Preparation Program for the Fall 2025 semester
●Intend to pursue a K-12 teaching career with Cumberland County Schools in one of the following licensure areas:
•Birth to Kindergarten
•Career and Technical Education (CTE)
•Elementary Education
•English/Language Arts
•English Second Language
•Social Studies
•Special Education
•World Languages
Application Requirements:
To be considered for the CCS Future Educators Program, email the completed application cover sheet and a one-page résumé to In addition, two electronic reference forms are required. One reference form must be completed by a teacher. Another adult who can speak to your academic accomplishments, community involvement, and potential to be a successful educator must complete the second reference form.
Future Educators participants will receive:
●Annual summer professional development with a $1000 stipend, beginning the summer following the freshman year of college through the summer of their senior year
●An early employment contract for 3 years (with successful teacher evaluations)
●The opportunity to develop a professional network with CCS staff and peers
Future Educator Application and Program Information:
Future Educators Application Instructions
Future Educators Application Cover Sheet
Future Educators Program Flyer
Future Educators Resume Template
Quick Links
Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2629
Fax: 910-678-2344
Ruben Reyes
Associate Superintendent