Developmental Milestones
Below are a few reference tools to help you know when a concern for your child’s development may be warranted. Please note that all children develop at their own pace. Your child may have skills scattered throughout different age levels. These lists are not meant to be used as diagnostic tools. They are meant to reference ages at which most typically developing children gain these skills.
Milestone Moments is a helpful resource from the Centers for Disease Control’s Child Development page. Click on the links below for more information.
The following was compiled by the Early-In Special Education Preschool team as a more concise list of general developmental skills by age level.
If you do not see a skill that you are concerned about, refer to the Milestone Moments above for a broader comparison.
1 – 2 years
Imitates behavior of others
Enjoys being near other children
Demonstrates increasing independence
Shows some defiant behavior
Begins make-believe play
Begins to sort by shape/color
Points to objects/pictures when named
Points to body parts
Says several single words (by 15-18 months)
Uses simple phrases (by 18-24 months)
Imitates words others say
Walks alone
Climbs onto and down from furniture
Walks up and down stairs holding on
Builds a tower of 4 or more blocks
2 – 3 years
Jump in place, two feet together
Stand on one foot, unaided
Kick ball forward
Throw ball
Snip with scissors
Hold the crayon with your thumb and finger
Imitate vertical, horizontal, and circular strokes on paper
Match shapes
Can tell how many – 1 or 2
Roll, pound, squeeze clay material
Follow simple directions
Play near other children
Identify objects by their use
Imitate words heard
Communicate using short phrases
Assist with dressing/undressing
3 – 4 years
Balance on one foot for 5 seconds
Pedal a tricycle
Throw a ball with direction and catch the ball
Copy a circle, imitate a cross on paper
Scribble, holding crayon correctly
Match/sort objects by color and shape
Rote count to 5/count objects to 3
Know own name and age
Know phrases of songs
Listen to a short story (5 minutes)
Share toys, take turns
Pretend to play with dolls and people
Stay on the activity of choice for 5 minutes
Follow 2-step commands
Communicate in 3-4 word sentences
Use pronouns (I, you, me) and plurals
Use the toilet independently
4 – 5 years
Hop on one foot
Run and change direction without stopping
Draw a person with four body parts
Dress/undress/use toilet by self
Know right from left
Use scribbles and some letters to write
May copy some letters and shapes
Identify own name in print
Count 10 or more objects
Able to copy/extend a simple pattern
Name at least four colors correctly
Stay on the activity of choice for 10 minutes
Say your name and address
Verbalize your own feelings
Carry on a conversation on one topic
Know the function of money
Want to please friends/be like them
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Contact Us
Early-In Special Education Preschool
396 Elementary Dr
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Phone: 910-484-6761
Fax: 910-484-6956
Shanaira Walker, Program Specialist
Exceptional Children's Services
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: (910) 678-2440
Fax: (910) 678-2620
Dr. Ayanna Jones Richard
Executive Director
John A. McMillan